Brent Trail's MAC Report


Congrats to Brent Trail, for the fastest new time on the M.A.C. Though the Challenge is just for fun for the trail running community, it is interesting to note the new records that come along. Brent ran the route on September 9th. Here's what he wrote about the experience.

Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo at the top because there were a ton of people at the summit eating lunch but I do have my GPS maps from the run. My time was 1:24:33 and I used the MapMyRun app on my phone.

It was a fantastic run, even though the summit was fogged in from Thunderstorm Junction. It was my 3rd attempt at the run. The first 2 times I got turned around on the Watson path and scar trail junctions but the 3rd time was a charm. Hopefully, I can try one more time before the first snow fall when I get back from running the Spartan race world championships in Lake Tahoe in just over 2 weeks.

MapMyRun screenshot from Brent's phone