Rowan Kamman's MAC Report

Rowan's Watch at the Summit Sign

I did the Mt. Adams challenge today, June 4, 2016. What a nice day… summits in the clear and views far into Maine and even Vermont. My time was 1:35:24; I included a picture from either side of the summit sign just in case! It was a real leg and lung buster but I especially enjoyed how the route showcased a little bit of everything that the Whites have to offer.

I left RMC's trail crew and caretaker housing, Stearns Lodge, where I live with the rest of the Randolph Mountain Club trail crew, and jogged to the Appalachia trailhead in a thick heat in just a pair of shorts and my vest; I was eager to gain a few K's if only to find drier air. Going into the challenge, I thought I might be able to get around two hours. Imagine my surprise when I got to Thunderstorm Junction at around 1:30! I was tickled to say the least. Though I was pushing myself just below redlining for the whole time, I found most of the route to be runable (particularly on Gulfside, where the stones were stacked flat to form a smooth path through the jumble, and the grade was perfect for cruising smoothly uphill).

I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into selecting the route; it does a good job of putting you on trails both smooth and rugged, steep and not quite so steep, and both well traveled and faint. At the top I was rewarded with three things; a time of 1:35:24 (yay!), clear views well into Maine and Vermont, and a keen breeze that to my sweaty, near-naked self was colder'n a witches teat in winter. It was a fun time!

Thanks again for a fun challenge!